+ mfplay : a full MidiFile player for max/msp. Handles Type 1 & 2 files, MetaEvents and much more.
Based on a home-made hack of DumpReceiver.java by Mathias Pfisterer & Florian Bomers at jsresources.org
Written in Java and should be fully crossplatform.


version 0.1 features :

- read all types of MidiFiles (0 - single track, 1 - multi-tracks, & 2 - more)
- get all useful informations from any MidiFile
- behave like a mix of [seq] and [sfplay~]
- playback, record, dump, mute/unmute, solo functions...
- output all MetaEvents (Text, Lyrics, Track Names, Unknown...) and Sysex Messages.
This enable the use of any max message ("metro 1000", "line 0., 1 1000."...) in your Midi Scoring application to drive a max patch!

- pause / resume;
- record function...;
- better dump();
- export as text file;
- position handling (set AND get);
- Tempo handling (get AND set);
- externalize getting Midi Infos;
- split the open() function;
- better format for shortMessages;

(c) f.e chanfrault 2006 - (c) 1999-2001 Mathias Pfisterer - (c) 2003 Florian Blomers
